Digital Transformation to Help Carry the World. Forward.
At Crowley, we are committed to carrying the world toward a more dynamic, efficient future. Delivering that goal requires the whole sum of our parts and a focus to push the boundaries of what is possible. For over 130 years we have been a trusted partner to the United States government. We have led movement across land, air, and sea. Now, we are leading movement across new platforms, and enabling greater connection than ever before. Because experience has taught us that logistics and innovation do not intersect, they go hand-in-hand. We elevate our knowledge by investing in processes and technologies that will help us create better solutions and a stronger connected world.
This elevation of knowledge not only uses data to eliminate disruptors in the supply chain but leads companies towards a more sustainable way of doing business. It allows for better decision-making throughout all pillars of an organization, from daily operations to ESG, and enables a technology-fueled mind to share to move our collective industries forward. We have taken a lead by publishing our first sustainability report and have committed to sharing our vision and tools for progress utilizing technology to become the most sustainable and innovative maritime and logistics solutions company in the America’s.
We have a fundamental understanding that supply chains continue to operate within an increasingly complex and dynamic set of challenges. Recently, members of our team were invited to the Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy and the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) to represent the work done by our technology and consulting practice capable of bettering our supply chains and planet.
The goal for our team was to dive deep into the most prevalent complexities faced in the industry today and share Crowley’s perspective on solving the long-standing challenges through data, algorithms, and digital logistics-focused platforms.
At the first event, our team was invited to the Eisenhower school, National Defense University, Washington D.C. The institution was the first of its kind with a study focused completely on issues of industrial mobilization for military purposes. Our representatives shared their thoughts around the impact of #digitalbusinesstransformation in solving current and future challenges around logistics and supply chain. It was joined by @Dr AshwaniDev, @ShashankPanchangam, @Scott Hopper, and @Owen Clarke.

“Ashwani and Shashank led a very productive discussion on how government and supply chain experts can collaborate and use data to build national standards for the industry.”
Stephen Dubernas Ph.D, DLA Faculty Chair, National Defense Univ., Eisenhower School
A variety themes were heard from incomplete or bad data to closed system architecture and complexity of data, those within our industry constantly face a growing list of business challenges inhibiting success.
For some, data quality, governance and an established enterprise architecture are pivotal to achieving data centricity. Others face delays thanks to vast amounts of data that are currently unable to integrate across systems.
@ShashankPanchangam, @Scott Hopper, @SmijithKunhiraman, then lead a National Defense Transportation Association technology subcommittee discussion to share thinking around the need for a cognitive platform with the capacity to create an end-to-end logistics ecosystem capable of powering supply chain digital transformation.
At NDTA, the need for data standards was imperative in the supply chain industry. Aligned with our intent to doing more than just moving goods, Crowley is committed to collaborating with industry leaders, both public and private, to create a holistic set of data standards for the supply chain industry.
Whether it is the DoD or individual business owners, the ability to solve problems like these facing us is imperative towards delivering business value or readiness in defense of our nation.
Crowley’s team of industry leading technologists specialize in data science and digital business transformation for logistics and end-to-end supply chain management. It is Crowley technology that powers some of our nation’s most crucial supply chains.