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Puerto Rico Cargo Insurance Announcement


Crowley will be adjusting its US to/from Puerto Rico (CPRC-602) Liner tariff rules relating to marine cargo insurance in the first quarter of this year. Further details regarding the timing of the change to the tariff rules and implementation will follow in the coming weeks.

Currently, subject to certain limited exclusions, marine cargo insurance is automatically purchased by Crowley for the benefit of the Customer, with coverage limits of $75,000 being provided for Southbound shipments and $100,000 on Northbound shipments.

The change in the tariff rules will see the automatically provided coverage removed. In its place Customers will be offered an option for marine cargo insurance to be purchased for their benefit with varying coverage limits being available to accommodate Customers varying needs.

The aforementioned insurance adjustment will apply to full container load (FCL) open tariff and contract shipments.

Crowley is not an insurance broker, carrier or underwriter and coverage is obtained through reputable insurance brokers with an insurance carrier independent of Crowley.