New Policy – Booking Hazardous and Refrigerated Cargo
Over the next several months, Crowley will be sending notifications about a series of upgrades it is making to its processes that will improve efficiency and customer experience. The first updates involve the refrigerated and hazardous cargo booking processes for Crowley Liner Services, including SeaFreight, which will be made effective Jan. 4, 2016.
The changes are as follows:
Multiple hazardous equipment bookings (those shipments with more than one container per booking) must contain identical UN numbers.*
Multiple refrigerated equipment bookings (shipments with more than one container per booking) must contain the same size equipment and be of the same temperature.
Any change to a shipment that also changes the UN number, temperature or size of a refrigerated container will generate a new booking.
Note that multiple bookings may still move under one bill of lading, and will not impact billing.