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Honduras Terminal Charge Increase – Effective 1/1/2019


Following increases from the Honduras Terminal Operator OPC, the Honduras handling charge will increase January 1, 2019 on cargo imported or exported via Puerto Cortez Honduras.

Direction Equipment Type Previous Charge New Charge Increase
Southbound (imported) 20′ Dry Container, 40′ Dry/NOR Containers $98 $104 $6
45′ Dry Container $124 $130 $6
40′ Refrigerated Container $112 $120 $8
Northbound (exported) 20′ Dry Container, 40′ Dry/NOR Containers $75 $81 $6
45′ Dry Container $101 $107 $6
40′ Refrigerated Container $178 $186 $8

All other charges related to services provided by the port operator in Puerto Cortes are subject to a 2.91% increase such as but not limited to storage, direct dispatch, and late arrival. Please  download this PDF for further information from the port operator (in Spanish).